Sean HoulihaneMy CV (pdf) (5kb) Please sign my guestbook!
Last modified: Thu Dec 6 14:37:41 GMT 2012
Hosted by - please mention this site if you decide to use them for your own hosting! Maison Lalubi - Bespoke interiors : |
Pages in my web-site: Blog and ForumFor organising walking and social events angloriviera group on Myspace Anglo info - useful for background info, difficult to use forum, positing policy prevents much of value being pposted there Used to be called Network Riviera, OK for organising social stuff, but a very dated web interface. Also slow and not too reliable. Mini - Dyno run on a 998 - now sold.
Temporary placement in France, with the assistance of Crown Relocation Robin Hood Seven. Another kit-car, this time a complete kit. Rob has bought a Robin Hood 'New Series Three' kit car. Here's a rather critical review of the build, with plenty of pics. ![]() Rotary Engined CarsThe Mazda RX8 is the only current production car to use a Wankel engine, since production of the Rx7 stopped (temporarily?) at the end of 2002. I've been driving Rx7s since 1998, There are some picures of my cars here, and a few other links. Sailing Trip 2001 Photos Robot Wars Photos Spice Photos on fotopic Music downloads and DRM Places I danceJive Nites - Modern Jive, Fridays and Sundays. Huntingdon and St NeotsCeroc Central - Modern Jive, but at a very very basic level. Jive Vibe Smooth Modern Jive (WCS) in Rushden Get In The Swing Lindy hop in Steeple Morden Bedford Swing Dance Society Lindy Hop in Hertfordshire Cambridge and Bedford Lindy Experience Lindy Hop in Cambridge, Boogie, WCS, Balboa in Nice, Cannes and Sophia Antipolis. Plextek: My first job's home page. Adaptive Broadband: My 2nd's home page (quick before they go bust!) Anti AOL SPAM Fed up with all that new SPAM from AOL? Interesting experiences with the commercial world. What can I do when Vodafone mess me about? Answer - put them on my web page. Also includes some paid links if you fancy earniung me some money! My bit on Road Safety The Campaign for Real Ale Are you fed up with short measures, big brewing compaines telling us that 'John Smith's Extra Smooth' is the thing to drink and the wholesale destruction or pubs with character? The join CAMRA... Garden DesignMy parents run a small garden design company. Web HostingIf you know me and need a small seb site hosted, I have the resources to host several. |
Here's a list of email addresses of people who've spammed me. Please add them to your mailing list ;) Random email addresses2082